For a better life

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

In Seconds, You Recognize If Someone Will Like You, Science Explains It

Do you remember how you met your best friend? or maybe the moment you clicked on your current partner? Surely you will have noticed almost immediately that there was 'chemistry' between you and this has an explanation. 
A study by California State University focused on analyzing friendships that suddenly emerge as interpersonal chemistry. Something that in psychology has denominated like "an emotional and psychological connection between two individuals".

This is how your brain reacts
When we know someone, there are always alterations in our neurotransmitters, which causes us to have a quick impression of who we have in front of us.
Seconds make us feel if the other person fits with us or not. 

Not all feel the same
The amygdala is an area of ​​the brain that is very involved in the emotional response, so we all react differently to the same stimulus.
When you meet someone, your brain can send impulses of friendship, fear, dislike, empathy, doubt or discomfort as the first response. 

With love happens the same
When we fall in love, what happens is that the alteration of the neurotransmitters, cause us to have a very quick impression on the person.
There we begin to devise and compare if it is the person we were looking for and if there are things in common. 
Now you know, next time pay attention to the signals that you emit yourself and decide wisely if that person can be your best friend or something else. 


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