For a better life

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

5 Psychological Tricks to Influence People

When we need to convince someone, there are many techniques we can use. Obviously, if we make a good proposal, we have valid arguments and what we want to do is win-win, it will be easy to convince our interlocutor of our interests.
But apart from the content, there are some little tricks we can use to influence the people we talk to and achieve our goals.
The way we talk, our attitude and knowing how to handle the conversation can be the key to getting a favorable response to our interest.
Let's go with the 5 tricks we can use to influence people

1 smile

A smile on your face is the first thing we have to do if we want to influence people. C hen someone smiles conveys happiness and well and we all like to feel good. When a proposal is made with a smile on our face, we are more predisposed to accept what they are asking.

2 Take advantage of tiredness.

When we are tired, we do not feel like arguing and we are more willing to say yes (even if it is to leave us alone).
The sects know this perfectly. That's why sessions where you "brainwash" are always long and exhausting. They know that a tired person has low defenses and is more willing to obey and accept as true what you are saying.

3 Make the ball

The ego is one of the weaknesses of all people. We all like to be told how good we are, and we are more willing to care for a person who makes us feel good.
It is not easy to flatter without being noticed. So, if you're fooling around to convince him, do it in a subtle and believable way.

4 Tell him many times YES

If you want to influence someone, let them say yes. When in a conversation, we say many times if our brain understands that we are in tune with the person we spoke and inertia to respond that if you can be a good tool for us to respond positively to what we want.
Cold-selling is one of the strategies they use very often.
·         Do you want the best for your family? Yes
·         Do you like to save on the fixed expenses of your home? Yes
·         Do you live in this address? Yes
·         Do you like things to work out right? Yes
·         Do you want me to make a special offer for you? Yes
Make the ball and say many times IF are two of the basic techniques of the commercial 

5 Do not take away the reason for your interlocutor

Show someone who is not right about what you say and that if you have it is a good strategy to feel good and have the feeling of " winning the discussion ."
But it is not a good strategy to influence another person.
When we argue, most of the times we end up casting ourselves even more in the position we stand for. If you want to influence another person, do not argue and ignore the negative arguments of the other person (this strategy is one that all politicians in our country use).


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