For a better life

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

5 Keys to Improving Your Willpower

Willpower is what drives us to achieve our goals and move forward despite the obstacles, says psychologist Paola Hamui of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society (SPM)

Learn to strengthen your will in 5 steps!

Willpower is developed with the support of parents, has to do with tolerance to frustration and is influenced by the environment, culture, and context.
A person can lose his willpower because "he simply does not have clear goals he wants to achieve, he has not adjusted his priorities in order, his self-esteem is not adequate, he has little tolerance for frustration or he does not believe in what he is capable of Achieve it, "says Paola Hamui.
However, in order to regain your willpower, in order to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life, the specialist says that you can follow the following recommendations:
      1.    Have a clear goal. Identify what you want and know why that goal benefits you.
2.    Identify in which areas of your life it is difficult to have willpower. You can have a lot of willpower at work, but with respect to health, sport or food you do not have it because you do not give it the importance it requires.
3.    Take care of your self-esteem and motivation. Feel that you are valuable and able to achieve your goal despite the obstacles. Analyze if you're motivated to do it if you really want to do it if it's worth the effort.
4.    Keep a positive attitude
5.    Learn from the obstacles you overcome.

Psychologist Paola Hamui explains that it is very important to differentiate between what is willpower, sacrifice, and suffering. The first one always leads you to an end that will benefit you, so you balance the cost with the benefit.
While the other two do not enjoy the same form when you reach the goal. Therefore, it is important to analyze if you are really fulfilling a goal that you want, in case you cannot get it for yourself, you can ask for help from a professional to find your motivation. And you, have you ever lost your willpower?


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