For a better life

Sunday, March 12, 2017

6 Signs That She Wants With You

1. Bring more makeup and/or dress better when it is with you
It is curious how in the animal world males are the ones who wear their best feathers and bright colors, whereas, in the world of humans, women are usually the ones who dress in their finery to make a man understand that he wants it. If your friend has suddenly changed her dress or renovated her wardrobe, that is, if she dresses up as if she's going to a major date or a tag meeting when she's just going to be with you, then she's pretty sure she wants to reduce the distance in the armchair and not precisely why it bothers.

2. She no longer speaks of other men in front of you

An abrupt fall in the sense that his bf's always told about his exploits with other men but with you no longer does. It is a revealing sign that she wants to go from being your friend to being your girlfriend. Most girls want a confident perspective on their emotional attachments, so if the girl sees you as a friend it will be relatively easy to ask you about a boy, even if he's a guy you just saw on the street. If he suddenly stopped doing this, it is because he can not ask the subject who thinks about himself.

3. Respond to SMS texts immediately

Exasperating, most people do not respond to texts immediately. They may be doing anything else useless, but they do not. Then, when a friend happens to answer you the texts immediately and try to keep the conversation going, there's a good chance she's been thinking about you and waiting for you to call her. Although it is not a reliable method because personality varies among people if you notice a change in your way of texting you may indicate that you are desperate to get in bed with you.

4. It becomes sensitive to things that did not have much meaning before

For a woman, one of the worst things about finding a man's feelings for sure is the tendency to hyper-consciousness of every little thing he does and what that can mean a step to the relationship. For example, if you ever joked about your toes, you told him they looked like a man and you'd never date a girl with those fingers. When they were friends he made a joke and even laughed with you. But when the girl wants a relationship and you make those kinds of jokes you probably feel like princess Fiona and later when you leave you will go out trying desperately to a friend's house.

5.  Her friends look at her with complicity

They are like lions hunting for their prey, once they identify the prey they evaluate their possible consumption and/or determine if it is so weak as to just sacrifice it. That is, once a girl tells her friends she likes you, they will not stop looking at you (especially if you are an acquaintance), you will feel like a poor bastard making a fool of yourself.

6. Look for excuses to be alone with you

Girls are not that different from us. They do not like going out in groups, and they do not want to waste time with people who do not care more than you. Like you, a girl will not tell you what she feels until you are alone. As much as she is in love with you (more if they know each other well), as long as you know them closely she will disguise your feelings and you will not suspect her. The only way is by being totally drunk, but those situations end with an "I do not remember" or a night of fast sex. Undesirable situations.


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