For a better life

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

40 questions you should ask your BFF

How well do you know your best friend? You probably know just about everything about each other, but there are perhaps a few nice surprises. On the basis of no less than forty questions can you test if you indeed really know everything about each other ... Some questions are funny and some are serious questions. At the end of this list do you know you grow even better and even closer to each other each other? Ready? Let's go! 
1. What was the name of the first boy you had a crush on and why you liked him?
2. Is there anything that you regret that you have there or just have not done? 
3. Can you get along better with your father or your mother?
4. What dish can you prepare the best?
5. If you could change your name, what name would you choose?
6. Can your hula hoop?
7. What would you embarrassed / what would you find embarrassing when other people see it?
8. Could you be queen?
9. If only one hobby should perform ... What would it be?
10. Who are you jealous and why? This may be either a fictitious person as a real person ...
11. What is the most beautiful place on earth and why?
12. Do you believe in ghosts?
13. And in aliens?
14. How old is the most expired product in your kitchen/refrigerator?
15. Are your feet the same size?
16. From what song you get emotional?
17. From what song you are happy?
18. You know how to play the game Dominoes?
19. What's under your bed?
20. Have you ever committed a telephone call in which someone takes kidding?
21. 100 kittens or three baby sloths?
22. Are you proud of yourself and how you stand in life and what you do?
23. Why or why not?
24. Have you ever broken something? 
25. Have you ever won anything?
26. If you could buy something materialistic and too little money was not there ... what would it be? 
27. What is your favorite plant or flower?
28. What food would you absolutely not over eat under any circumstances? 
29. What can you cheer you if you have a terribly bad day behind?
30. Did someone or something once saved your life?
31. Could you adopt a child?
32. Is there anything that might be embarrassing, but you still might want to try? (Consider for example pole dancing)
33. If you were a cake ... What cake are you?
34. What is the most important material thing you have?
35. What is so far the best memory you have?
36. When did you last cry?
37. How old was your mother when you were born?
38. Which celeb would you be best friends?
39. Is there anything you regret? 
40. Is there anything I can do, making your life runs easier and more fun?
After asking and answering these questions you will find out that you have so many things not yet know the people around you. Of course, you can ask these questions to everyone. 

5 Psychological Tricks to Influence People

When we need to convince someone, there are many techniques we can use. Obviously, if we make a good proposal, we have valid arguments and what we want to do is win-win, it will be easy to convince our interlocutor of our interests.
But apart from the content, there are some little tricks we can use to influence the people we talk to and achieve our goals.
The way we talk, our attitude and knowing how to handle the conversation can be the key to getting a favorable response to our interest.
Let's go with the 5 tricks we can use to influence people

1 smile

A smile on your face is the first thing we have to do if we want to influence people. C hen someone smiles conveys happiness and well and we all like to feel good. When a proposal is made with a smile on our face, we are more predisposed to accept what they are asking.

2 Take advantage of tiredness.

When we are tired, we do not feel like arguing and we are more willing to say yes (even if it is to leave us alone).
The sects know this perfectly. That's why sessions where you "brainwash" are always long and exhausting. They know that a tired person has low defenses and is more willing to obey and accept as true what you are saying.

3 Make the ball

The ego is one of the weaknesses of all people. We all like to be told how good we are, and we are more willing to care for a person who makes us feel good.
It is not easy to flatter without being noticed. So, if you're fooling around to convince him, do it in a subtle and believable way.

4 Tell him many times YES

If you want to influence someone, let them say yes. When in a conversation, we say many times if our brain understands that we are in tune with the person we spoke and inertia to respond that if you can be a good tool for us to respond positively to what we want.
Cold-selling is one of the strategies they use very often.
·         Do you want the best for your family? Yes
·         Do you like to save on the fixed expenses of your home? Yes
·         Do you live in this address? Yes
·         Do you like things to work out right? Yes
·         Do you want me to make a special offer for you? Yes
Make the ball and say many times IF are two of the basic techniques of the commercial 

5 Do not take away the reason for your interlocutor

Show someone who is not right about what you say and that if you have it is a good strategy to feel good and have the feeling of " winning the discussion ."
But it is not a good strategy to influence another person.
When we argue, most of the times we end up casting ourselves even more in the position we stand for. If you want to influence another person, do not argue and ignore the negative arguments of the other person (this strategy is one that all politicians in our country use).

10 Foods You Should Not Have At Breakfast

Breakfast is undoubtedly the most important meal of the day, the first of all and the one we should care for since it will influence not only our mood and our strength throughout the morning, but also our metabolism, and in the hunger, we may have regarding lunch and dinner. In fact, if you are one of those who does not always eat something in the morning, here are a few good reasons not to skip breakfast. But in any case, we can summarize it as follows: good breakfast, varied and balanced, will help us to face the day in a much healthier and more energetic way
Skipping this meal may serve some, which ensure that they stay much healthier, but it is simply because they previously had breakfast not recommendedAnd it is that not anything serves to take it we just get up because it can do us more harm than good, and some of those foods are not very recommended are in fact the most popular in many houses.
What foods should not be eaten?
Here we are going to show you the ten worst foods for breakfast, those that you should not take in the first meal of the day:

Sweet cereals

We started strong with one of the most typical breakfasts by the majority. And it is not that taking cereals is bad for breakfast, but is that the vast majority of cereals found in the supermarket are usually processed and contain little fiber, which is the important thing, resulting in a strong excess of sugars that although we can Give energy at first, they will not help us to stay healthy, much less.

Packaged fruit juices

We also talk about the fruit juices that can be found on large surfaces, which often come with too much sugar and without the good properties that a good natural juice should bring. Places to choose, better squeeze our own juice at home, much more tasty and natural. Or for example, opt for some of these fruits for breakfast.


They look very healthy but the truth is that they have components that we should not take at breakfast, such as vegetable oils, refined flour or processed sugars. They also usually contain egg, which is a good choice, but it is not worth trying these miniature cakes for it.

Breakfast Burritos

Not so common in Spain but in the Anglo-Saxon countries and Latin America, they are small burritos that are heated in the microwave and can be eaten on the way to work for those who are in a hurry. Tasty and delicious, their weak point is that they give us practically the same amount of saturated fats that we should ingest in an entire day. What can you do in these cases? Choose a healthy burrito, like the one that we propose in this list of healthy breakfasts to take away.


We return to the problem of processed sugar and here we also add the fat that can contain the sponge, even being homemade. It is one of those common foods at breakfast that we should banish because it does not do us any good when it comes to a truly balanced diet.


We are in the same situation as with the juices. If the milkshake is homemade you can still have a pass as long as we do not go with the sugar, but relying on the shakes sold in stores is exposing yourself to an excessive source of processed sugars that we should not include in our diet.


As appetizing as not recommended at breakfast time. Normally they contain high content of refined sugar, and no less than 250 calories per unit, something that should certainly warn us about the danger of consuming these types of sweets, which are certainly delicious but are not part of any healthy diet.

Yogurt light with sweetener

Many seek to enjoy a much healthier breakfast by opting for light fruit yogurt, usually purchased at any store or supermarket. These types of products come sometimes sweetened with sugar, which will make it stop being such a good choice for our breakfasts.


It is no longer just the sugar content or the ingredients with which these pancakes themselves have been prepared, but also what we usually add, from chocolate syrup or strawberry to cream, going through all kinds of jams, that make your Calorie value rise to be almost the same as any greasy hamburger from a fast food restaurant.

Bacon and sausages

When we talk about badly recommended breakfasts we are focusing on taking this type of food every day, every morning, for the rest of our lives. Something we obviously cannot do with an "English" breakfast based on bacon and sausage, which may be something punctual, but not continuous in our diet, as it could cause serious circulation problems.
There are lots of healthy and healthy alternatives to have a good breakfast, not to stay hungry until lunch and also to have a balanced diet (for example, here we offer you 5 recipes for easy and quick breakfasts ). Avoiding these previously mentioned foods as much as possible is one of the best ways to achieve this, starting the day with energy but also with health.

7 Foods That Reduce Glucose

Healthy eating is the key to preventing the risk of diabetes or controlling glucose in people who have it, as both the type of food and the amount affect blood sugar levels.

Take care of your glucose

Mayo Clinic experts point out that there are other habits that will help you control your glucose levels if you are high, such as the following: Because the blood sugar level is a higher one to two hours after eating and then decreases. So, try to eat at the same time every day and eat small portions of food throughout the day, that is, eat five times a day.

Balanced food

Eat foods that have an adequate combination of starches, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and fats. It is important to eat approximately the same amount of carbohydrate at each meal and snack as it has a great effect on blood sugar levels.


Find out what portion size is right for you, for each type of food. Do not overpass that measure as it can raise your glucose levels.


A sedentary lifestyle not only triggers obesity but is also a risk factor for diabetes. Lower your glucose levels with some physical activity you like.
Do not forget to consult your doctor the foods you can ingest, in case you have very high sugar levels; However, with the foods shown in the photo gallery, you can keep glucose controlled. 

5 Keys to Improving Your Willpower

Willpower is what drives us to achieve our goals and move forward despite the obstacles, says psychologist Paola Hamui of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society (SPM)

Learn to strengthen your will in 5 steps!

Willpower is developed with the support of parents, has to do with tolerance to frustration and is influenced by the environment, culture, and context.
A person can lose his willpower because "he simply does not have clear goals he wants to achieve, he has not adjusted his priorities in order, his self-esteem is not adequate, he has little tolerance for frustration or he does not believe in what he is capable of Achieve it, "says Paola Hamui.
However, in order to regain your willpower, in order to achieve your goals and improve your quality of life, the specialist says that you can follow the following recommendations:
      1.    Have a clear goal. Identify what you want and know why that goal benefits you.
2.    Identify in which areas of your life it is difficult to have willpower. You can have a lot of willpower at work, but with respect to health, sport or food you do not have it because you do not give it the importance it requires.
3.    Take care of your self-esteem and motivation. Feel that you are valuable and able to achieve your goal despite the obstacles. Analyze if you're motivated to do it if you really want to do it if it's worth the effort.
4.    Keep a positive attitude
5.    Learn from the obstacles you overcome.

Psychologist Paola Hamui explains that it is very important to differentiate between what is willpower, sacrifice, and suffering. The first one always leads you to an end that will benefit you, so you balance the cost with the benefit.
While the other two do not enjoy the same form when you reach the goal. Therefore, it is important to analyze if you are really fulfilling a goal that you want, in case you cannot get it for yourself, you can ask for help from a professional to find your motivation. And you, have you ever lost your willpower?

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